by Zane
Once there was a man named Steve1947 and a piglin
named Max. Max the piglin was really friendly. He made
all the piglins and piglin brutes friendly.
When Steve1947 said "I want to build my golden house in a bastion."
Max asked "But what kind of bastion?"
"A housing bastion," Steve1947 said.
"Ok," Max said.
"Where is it located?" Steve1947 asked.
Max said "Inside a warped forest. Also, when we
see the warped forest with a huge gold block, that
means we have found the housing bastion."
"Okay," Steve1947 said.
"Let's go!" Max said.
Steve1947 put on his golden pants and helmet and an elytra. Max did the same. So they set off on their journey. They were flying high.
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