Thursday, February 20, 2025
Sunday, January 19, 2025
The Man and Max
by Zane
Once there was a man named Steve1947 and a piglin
named Max. Max the piglin was really friendly. He made
all the piglins and piglin brutes friendly.
When Steve1947 said "I want to build my golden house in a bastion."
Max asked "But what kind of bastion?"
"A housing bastion," Steve1947 said.
"Ok," Max said.
"Where is it located?" Steve1947 asked.
Max said "Inside a warped forest. Also, when we
see the warped forest with a huge gold block, that
means we have found the housing bastion."
"Okay," Steve1947 said.
"Let's go!" Max said.
Steve1947 put on his golden pants and helmet and an elytra. Max did the same. So they set off on their journey. They were flying high.
Riding the current
Where I've arrived in the construction of my blogdom. Having est. the freezine in '09. Plasma Press was established in '18. Even though the years 2019 through 2021, Into The Pandemic as it were, resulted in five titles, four with my own byline and one with my writer friend Vincent Daemon.
He moved from Morristown to New Mexico recently, somewhere near Albuquerque, I think. Plasma Press's many tentacled trajectories can sprout into a Daemon collection to Plasma Tales # 2 and the continuation of the adventures of Professor Ferocity and the Phenomenal Five, available on the Kindle platform at Amazon, I can't even remember the name of the venture.
Riding the shifting torrents of electrical conductivity, moving from strand to interwoven cable, hoping to not get shocked along the way. Plasma Press has yet to announce any poetry books and I believe that's a route I'd like to take boldly. I still have Cruelty in Toyland and The Limits of Perfect Vision and On Mount Drone to put out, they could cohere thematically as a trilogy of that bygone era (the eighties leading into the nineties).
This was a transition we surfed with gleeful abandon, if not with ease and the various degrees of success or failure some ventures may have brought us. We survived it all in a dizzying torrential downpour of brazen escapades, looking back from over our shoulders at the long lost promenades and lowering our brows to stare forward into the horns of the rising sun. We're ready for anything at this point.
Such were the ways of the days of the brethren that ran forward together to face the setting sun. In some ways we braved it alone and in others we knew we were in the same boat. There's no room for doubt in our hearts that every one of us shone. We're here for each other in remembrance of them. Knowing that even though separated from one another in our hearts and minds we are not alone. There's always another lurker somewhere underneath the vein. How else can I make it plain that we're riding the current once again.
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Imagistic Alphabet
Digital art is just another form of writing across the screens of our minds
in garish script meant to provoke and undermine the alphabet of form
capitalized with an armored beetle's horns italicized in green eddies
flowing into sentences that branch out into streams of consciousness.
Everything we see is alphabet. Doors, windows, street corners
and dogs are all ciphers spelling out larger concepts, thunderstorms
the pages into which our stories altogether must unfold spelled out
one letter at a time. The nib of the pen leaves a series of characters
in sequence which tell the tale of leaving traces of it behind amounting
to the stuff of legend left over for others to find.

Thursday, July 21, 2022
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