Friday, February 28, 2020

Notes on Exposure Therapy Before Catastrophizing Mental Filters

Affective partisan polarization engenders vindictive protectiveness. This leads to emotional reasoning becoming a contagion. Labeling this process creates magnification. Dichotomous thinking shifts the blame to the other. Overgeneralized negative reasoning paves our way toward discounting positives. All of these forces lead toward our inability to disconfirm our roles as mind-readers and fortune-tellers. Thus continues the entropic cycle of cognitive immolation we are all apparently well undergoing.

Acute Stress Feedback

The damaged nerve cell over excited electrically
communicates intermittently with other nerve cells
by a network of synapses which permit the passage
by either an electric or chemical signal to another neuron
the target effector cell, part of a highly complex animal
that coordinates its action and sensory input by transmitting
the go ahead to and from different parts of its body
Nervous tissue first originated from a worm like organism
The central nervous system and the peripheral structure
Brains and spinal cord plus the biped embodied posture hyper
Never mind the autonomic and parasympathetic systems arousal
Eliminating chances of escape from the fight or flight response

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


truth ---> paradox --->  a situation combining conradictory qualities --->
a demonstration that particular problems may not be resolved --->
the process of finding resolutions too complex to be dealt with --->
defiance --->  clear identification of the issues and understanding what the dilemma is ---> acceptance of everyone's interests ---> classify the potential solutions --->  assess the results ---> select an explanation ---> document the agreement ---> allow contingencies, monitoring, and evaluation ---> to concur on a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty --->  to implement experimentation   ---> the practice of trying out new methods ---> successful ideation  --->  the creative means of developing original ideas
--->  a basic element of thought that can be abstracted   --->
the characteristic of dealing with concepts --->  a general notion --->
a belief about something ---> a consent of veracity ---> in accordance with reality ---> the state of existence ---> objective being --->  true quality ---> essence ---> aspect, basis, character, meaning, principle, factor, structure, substance, spirit, attribute, constitution, form  ---> antipodal by nature
---> apparent to exist ---> the way things are ---> enigma ---> actuality